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As many of you know Emmanuel Baptist Church (EBC) is in the process of praying, and seeking a new pastor to serve our church and community.  A team has been created to head this search.  We want you to know, however, that this is not just the decision of this team.  We value everyone's input and hope all members will take the time to complete the survey that was provided by the team.  This will help us know what our members would like to see in our new pastor, and guide us as we receive applicants.


The team will be meeting soon to review applicants received thus far, and determine if we would like to set up an interview and speak to any.  We ask a couple things of all our congregation.  First, please pray for this team and the search team. This is essential as we find God's man to lead us. Second, understand that this process must maintain complete privacy.  The team will not be able to discuss with anyone, potential applicants. 


If a candidate is identified after the interview process that we wish to proceed on, the congregation will be notified the week prior that we will be having a candidate for pastor speaking the following week.  The day that person speaks will be the day the congregation will be introduced to him.  It is very important to be present on the day as we will be submitting a candidate for hire.  After the service is over, the members of the church will vote on the candidate for approval or disapproval.  We must have minimum 75% of members approval in order to vote in a new pastor.  Keep in mind this is 75% of the members who choose to be present that day.  So you can see why it is so important for everyone who can, to be there.   


Again, this not a process that will be rushed.  Please be patient with the team and pray.  We don't just want any man to fill this position.  We want God's ONE man.  If we are faithful to seek this, we believe He is faithful and will continue to thrive our church and community.  Please continue to check the website and EBC social media for any updates.  Below is the team elected to conduct the search that each of you can pray for as they seek God's will for Emmanuel.  Thank you all for your support and feel free to reach out with any questions. 


Rick Sowinski - Chairman

Richard Jenkins - Vice Chairman

Amanda Jenkins

Heather Jackson

Tommy Jackson

Greg DuVall

Josh Henthorne

Chuck Loy


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